了解wifi的作文 第一篇
了解wifi的作文 第二篇
Wi-Fi online can be simply understood as wireless internet access,intelligent mobile phone,tablet computer almost all notebook computer support Wi-Fi and Internet,is a kind of wireless network transmission technology is the most widely actually the wired network signals into wireless signals,such as in the beginning for everybody introduction,related computer,using a wireless router to support the technology of mobile phone,tablet and phone if there is a Wi-Fi function,with Wi-Fi wireless signal can surf the Internet without the Unicom mobile network,saves the traffic the Wi-Fi signal is made up of wired network to provide,such as home ADSL ah,residential broadband like ah,if connected to a wireless router,you can put the cable signal into Wi-Fi foreign developed countries in the city covered in Wi-Fi signal provided by governments or big companies to residents,China also has many local implementation of xxxwireless cityxxx project to make this technology has been pilot city not issued in 4G license,many places to use the 4G WI-FI to let the public trial.
了解wifi的作文 第三篇
Stepping in dog poo is said to bring good luck, but for most people it’s one of the worst things that could happen as they walk through the city. Owners not picking up their pets’ droppings is a global problem, but a Mexican Internet portal has come up with an invention that might just inspire people to do the right thing. It’s called Poo Wifi and it’s pure genius.
Walking through the park trying to avoid every dog poo that comes in your way is an almost impossible task, but it wouldn’t be a problem if owners would just clean up after their pets. So Internet portal Terra has teamed up with ad agency DDB to create something that would motivate people to actually pick up their dogs turds. After some brainstorming, they came up with Poo Wifi, a machine that offers a free wifi connection in exchange for dog poo. So after they’ve picked up the droppings, people can drop the bags in a special box on top of the machine, after which the machine offers a number of minutes of free wifi, depending on the weight of the poo. Obviously, large dog owners will get more free wifi, which makes sense since their dogs’ droppings are the messiest.
You’re probably thinking Poo Wifi will never work, because people will just throw rocks or whatnot into the machine, tricking it to get a few minutes of free wifi. I don’t doubt some people would resort to this, but luckily each Poo Wifi machine comes with a hostess that hands out plastic bags to pet owners, and also keeps an eye on what goes in the machine box. They do allow bags of trash though, because any kind of junk that goes into Poo Wifi means the people can enjoy a cleaner park.
Time will tell if Poo Wifi actually makes people more responsible, but it’s definitely one of the most ingenious projects to come out in a while. Their video is also pretty cool. I particularly liked the part where a guy is actually massaging his dog’s belly hoping he’ll poo so he can send a quick email.
If all else fails, they can always call Doody Calls, and they’ll take care of it.
如果这样狗狗还不能便便的话,可以给狗便处理公司(Doody Calls)打电话,他们会搞定一切。
了解wifi的作文 第四篇
As for the popularity of WiFi, as shown in the picture, three birds are standing on the wire, and the other bird is standing on the other side without wires, floating in the air. One of the birds says that he has WiFi. By depicting this image, the drawer tries to reveal the popularity of WiFi.
But each coin has one aspect, which enables wireless computers or personal digital assistants to be connected almost anywhere The Internet makes our life more convenient and interesting. With the development of society, free WiFi will appear in more places. On the other hand, access points can be used to steal personal information transmitted by WiFi users.
Generally speaking, there is room for improvement in WiFi signal strength. Only by full use of the advantages of WiFi and getting rid of the disadvantages of WiFi, can it benefit from the United States.
标签: 新学期
了解wifi的作文 第五篇
In our daily life, everyone is using WiFi. I want to talk about the advantages and disadvantages of WiFi as. WiFi is a very important field for us, whether it is online search or online games.
However, it can not be ignored that WiFi has some shortcomings in our daily life. When you use WiFi, you will spend less time communicating with friends There will also be fewer friends in life. In short, you should be careful when using WiFi, otherwise you will have fewer friends and feel lonely.