

发布时间:2023-04-23 14:48:00阅读量:798

关于预防流感的范文英语 第一篇

Let's prevent H1N1 from happening in the last few months, H1N1 Ful has become popular all over the world. If we have the right way to prevent it, it won't be afraid. Here are some suggestions for you: first of all, when you cough and sneeze, you should cover your mouth with a napkin, and then as far away from public places as possible.

If necessary, please carefully wear a mask before meals and keep the windows open so that the air will be fresh Do more stimulation to make your body strong so that you can keep healthy. I think that's the most important thing.


让我们来防止H1N1在过去的几个月里发生,H1N1 ful已经在全世界范围内开始流行如果我们有正确的方法来预防它,它就不会害怕这里有一些建议你:第一个所有的,咳嗽和打喷嚏时,你应该用餐巾捂住嘴,然后尽可能远离公共场所,如果有必要的话,请在饭前小心地戴上口罩,经常开着窗户,这样空气才会新鲜,多做些,使你的身体强壮,这样你才能保持健康。我认为这是最重要的。

关于预防流感的范文英语 第二篇

The main methods to prevent influenza are as follows: frequent ventilation, keeping indoor air fresh as far as possible, avoiding air congestion and pollution in public places, reasonable daily diet, ensuring adequate nutrition, changing clothes according to weather changes during sleep, keeping warm, not getting cold, participating in outdoor sports activities, strengthening physique, washing hands frequently, paying attention to personal hygiene when necessary, oral Chinese medicine decoction or western medicine preparation In addition, influenza vaccination is currently recognized as an effective means of influenza prevention in the medical community, which can greatly reduce the infection rate.



关于预防流感的范文英语 第三篇

As we all know, the symptoms of human being infected with influenza A (H1N1) are similar to those of a cold. In terms of prevention, patients will have fever, cough, fatigue and loss of appetite. Xu Ruiheng believes that it is necessary not to crowd together to vaccinate human influenza vaccine at this stage, because seasonal influenza vaccine has no correct effect on preventing influenza A (H1N1), so that the law can develop good personal hygiene habits Enough sleep, frequent exercise, decompression, adequate nutrition, hand washing, especially after contact with public goods, first wash your hands, contact your eyes, nose and mouth, and then cover your mouth and nose with when sneezing and coughing, keep ventilation in the room and vaccinate.



关于预防流感的范文英语 第四篇

Now flu always happens between seasons. Winter is coming. First of all, we should try to prevent influenza.

Influenza is mainly transmitted by air and body fluids. Therefore, indoor ventilation must be maintained. People should form a good habit, that is, to wipe clean runny nose and used paper towel after coughing.

Healthy people need to keep a safe alert against influenza. Secondly, a good lifestyle can help prevent influenza, such as maintaining a balanced diet. This means ensuring all kinds of nutrients in your diet and exercising at least three times a week to improve your immunity.

Last but not least, drinking enough water and keeping warm can easily regulate body temperature and keep people away from the flu.



关于预防流感的范文英语 第五篇

Avian influenza virus has attracted much attention, and the prevention and control situation is even more severe. It is particularly important to strengthen daily preventive measures. Students should pay attention to environmental sanitation and air circulation, pay attention to personal exercise, and do not go anywhere.

Now there are many people who will mention h7n9 avian influenza virus in the TV news every morning. More and more people are infected with the virus or even died, Let me talk about the harmfulness of h7n9, so I hope that this situation can be reduced as much as possible. If a person is infected with avian influenza, the first symptom is a little like a cold, cough and fever, followed by a high fever.

If it is not rescued in time, it will cause life-threatening. Some people first think that this is a common cold, delayed treatment, and the result is life-threatening. According to reports, bird flu is among people It is not easy to spread.

Although it is dangerous, it can also be controlled and prevented. If you know where the dead birds are, bury them deeply immediately, sprinkle them with lime and disinfect them thoroughly. People should pay attention not to eat the high-temperature cooking materials.

In the forest and by the lake, people observe the birds. Once they die, they will die immediately. Do not let the avian flu continue to spread To complete the disinfection of lake water and other places, let's work together to fight against this unknown disaster and reduce the harm to small animals.

Everyone can take responsibility for it. During this period, try to avoid contact with poultry and reduce contact with the outside world. Tell your friends to prevent.

Let's work together to protect our own living environment and build a beautiful home garden.



关于预防流感的范文英语 第六篇

It is understood that the symptoms of people infected with influenza A (H1N1) are similar to those of colds. Patients will have fever, cough, fatigue and loss of appetite in terms of prevention. Xu Ruiheng believes that it is necessary not to inoculate people with influenza vaccine at this stage, because the prevention of seasonal influenza vaccine has no correct effect, so that the law can develop good personal hygiene habits and get enough sleep If we touch the nose and sneeze, we should wash our hands and sneeze in the room.



关于预防流感的范文英语 第七篇

It's very important for everyone to keep good eyesight, but you know how to protect your eyesight. First of all, don't let your eyes work for a long time. You'd better take a long-distance observation to rest after you have studied for an hour or a second.

Pay attention to the following points: don't read in the sun or in places with poor light lines. Don't read in bed or on a moving bus. When you are reading, you should keep the book close to your eyes by a third of a foot, and do eye exercises every day.

If you follow the above rules, I think it will also help you to maintain good eyesight, and you can prevent your eyesight from myopia.



