

发布时间:2023-04-17 16:13:25阅读量:626

英语服装商务信函范文 第一篇

from triple wave sdn. bhd a-5-9 empire tower, ss16/1 subang jaya, 47500, selangor, malaysia

dear visa officer, we would be grateful if a business visa could be granted for china research institute of electronic engineering, to visit malaysia on monday february 15 through february 20, XX. during this trip he will meet with our company representative to discuss the sale and distribution of digital cctv surveillance solutions, access control system and security alarm system and other communication solutions. china research institute of electronic engineering is financially responsible for the applicant’s visit and undertakes to ensure that that he will abide by the rules and regulations of the malaysia sincerely, mr. samir senior vice president triple wave sdn. bhd

consulate general of malaysia consular section dear visa officer, we are cordially inviting china research institute of electronic engineering to visit malaysia on monday april 3 through april 17, XX. during this trip he will meet with our company representative to discuss the sale and distribution of products. sincerely, barry g. hart senior vice president east coast promotions, triple wave sdn. bhd a-5-9 empire tower, ss16/1 subang jaya,

47500, selangor, malaysia

英语服装商务信函范文 第二篇



关键词:商务英语 对外贸易 商务英语函电 作用 通讯方式

一 、商务英语函电和对外贸易的概述

1、商务英语函电 商务英语函电是在对外贸易活动中以英语为载体而相互进行的商务函电往来;商务英语是一种有独特语言风格的外贸专业用语。不同于一般的日常英语,它包括专业贸易用语、缩略用法等。众所周知,英语是当今全球运用最广的语言,因此英语成为对外贸易的主要用语,便称为商务英语。商务函电是指在对外贸易中所使用的信函、电报、电传、传真、电子邮件等通讯方式。商务函电的种类包括:商洽函、询问函、答复函、请求函、告知函、联系函。从商务函电的具体使用功能来讲,又可分为:来函处理答复函、订货函、任命函、祝贺函、感谢函、介绍函、邀请函、联络函、致歉函、慰问函、唁函、推销函。

商务函电的作用,一是索取信息或传递信息,二是处理商务交流中有关事宜,三是联络与沟通感情。 商务英语函电也是公司与公司之间用以联系顾客的工具,在对外贸易中发挥着沟通买卖双方的媒介作用;它涉及外贸业务中的各个环节包括建立业务关系、询盘、发盘、还盘、接受、执行订单、装运、保险、付款、索赔等。在商务英语函电的写作中应注意七个要素:完整、具体、清楚、简洁、礼貌、体谅、正确;遵循三个准则:求同准则、委婉准则、德言行一致准则。商务函电的公函,其写作格式有多种风格,有专业式、简洁式和庄重式。函电格式自由化主要体现在信头、呼语和信内地址等方面。随着贸易双方业务联系的增多与贸易关系的加强,彼此间的了解与沟通日益深入,有个人内容渗入公函的趋势,这也促进了其格式的自由化。在商务函电的写作过程中,除因格式自由化而变简洁外,其语言运用方面也简洁化了。一方面,函电中应省去那些客套、多余的话语而直接指向磋商主题,主要是为了简洁明了、便于阅读;另一方面,电子数据交换、电报等用语及短句的使用,都使其语言风格简洁化了。

2、对外贸易 对外贸易是特指国际贸易活动中的一国或地区同其他国家或地区所进行的商品、劳务和技术的交换活动。这是立足于一个国家或地区去看待它与其他国家或地区的商品贸易活动。有时也被称为国外贸易。







英语服装商务信函范文 第三篇

Dear Mr. / Ms,

Thank you for your letter informing us of Mr. Green’s visit during June 2-7. Unfortunately, Mr. Edwards, our manager, is now in Cairo and will not be back until the second half of June. He would, however, be pleased to see Mr. Green any time after his return.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,xxx





英语服装商务信函范文 第四篇

Dear Sir or Madam,

Not only do I have the qualifications for this job, but I also have the right personality for a xxx(工作名称). In the one hand,xxx(第一个原因). On the other hand, xxx(另一个原因).

Should you grant me a personal interview, I would be most grateful. If you need to know more about me, please feel free to contact me at any time at xxxxxx(电话号码)

Thank you for considering my application, and I am looking forward to meeting you.

Yours sincerely

Li Ming

英语服装商务信函范文 第五篇

Dear Sir or Madam:

This is in regards to your order for 5,000widgets and our sales confirmation No. 341. We would like to remind you that the delivery date is approaching and we have not yet received the covering letter of credit.

We would be grateful if you would expedite the establishment of the L/C so that we can ship the order on time. In order to avoid any further delay, please make sure that the L/C instructions are in precise accordance with the terms of the contract.

We look forward to receiving your response at an early date.

Yours sincerely,


英语服装商务信函范文 第六篇

Dear Mr. / Ms,

I am at present in Hamburg visiting the harbour with a view to making known our new type of container for use in Europe.

I shall be in Antwerp on Wednesday, 4th June, and should like to call on you at . on that day.

If I do not hear from you to the contrary, I shall assume that it will be convenient for me to call at that time.

Yours faithfully