

发布时间:2023-01-16 10:08:50阅读量:746

高级英语五级作文范文 第一篇

1.提高:Promote、Advance、Enhance 代替Improve

2.改变:Transform 代替Change

3.强调:Highlight、Stress、Address 代替Emphasize

4.培养:Agriculture、Cultivate、Nurture 代替Develop

5.破坏:Impair、Undermine[这两个词指抽象意义上的破坏]、Jeopardize、Devastate 代替Break

6.保存Preserve、Conserve[保护资源用的就是这个词],protect这个词用在保护具体的东西 代替Keep

7.解决Tackle、Address、Resolve 代替Deal with

8.需要Require、Necessitate、Call for 代替Need

9.黏贴、附着Adhere、Cling 代替Stick

10.忽略Ignore、Difference 代替Neglect

11.避开Shun 代替Avoid

12.普遍的Widespread、Prevalent、Overflow、Rampant、Universal、Ubiquitous 代替Everywhere

13.好的Beneficial、Advantageous 代替Good

14.有害的Inhumane、Detrimental、Baneful 代替Harmful

15.富有的.Wealthy、Affluent 代替Rich

16.贫穷的Impoverished 代替Poor

17.严重的Severe 代替Serious

18.明显的Manifest、Apparent、Evident 代替Obvious

19.便宜的Economical、Inexpensive 代替Cheap

20.重要的Crucial 、Extremely important、Significant(amount or effect large enough to be important) 代替Important

21.大量的、充足的Ample、Plentiful 代替Abundant

高级英语五级作文范文 第二篇

1. architectural industry 建筑工业

2. map out 制定出

3. city designing 城市设计

4. beautify our life 美化我们的生活

5. human civilization 人类文明

6. cradle of culture 文化摇篮

7. mainstream culture 主流文化

8. cultural traditions 文化传统

9. national pride 民族自豪

10. local customs and practices 风土人情

11. attract people’s eyes 吸引人们的'眼球

12. artistic taste 艺术品味

13. cornerstone 基石

14. be closely interrelated with… 与…有密切关系

15. adhere to the tradition 坚持传统

16. architectural vandalism 破坏建筑行为

17. carry forward … 弘扬…

18. cultural needs 文化需求

19. reputation 声望

20. maintain the world peace 维护世界和平

21. cultural diversity 文化多元化

22. cultural treasures 文化宝藏

23. cross-cultural communication 跨文化交流

24. cultural reconstruction 文化重建

25. spiritual civilization 精神文明

26. heritage 遗产

27. achievements of art 艺术成就

28. tear down 拆除

29. humane historical sites 人文历史遗址

30. preserve the cultural relics 保护文化遗产

31. blueprint 蓝图

32. skyscraper 摩天大楼

33. high-rise office buildings 高层写字楼

34. city construction 城市建设

35. well-structured 结构良好的

36. crystallization 结晶

37. visual enjoyment 视觉享受

38. driving force 驱动力

39. reconstruct 重建

40. destruct 破坏

41. artistic reflection 艺术反映

42. give publicity to… 宣传…

43. burden 负担

44. cause irreversible damage 造成不可逆转的损失

45. national identity and value 民族特性和价值观

46. remove prejudice and misunderstanding 消除偏见和误解

47. symbol 象征

48. artistic standards 艺术水准

49. enjoy great popularity 广受欢迎

devolution 文化退化

高级英语五级作文范文 第三篇

1.强迫 coerces into(coerce means you make someone do something s/he does not want to)、compel 代替force

2.扩大 magnify(magnify means make something larger than it really is) 代替enlarge

3.赞扬 extol(stronger than praise)、compliment(polite and politic 代替praise

4.刻苦的 assiduous(someone who is assiduous works hard or does things very thoroughly 代替hard-working

5.艰巨的 arduous (if something is arduous、it is difficult and tiring、and involves a lot of efforts) 代替difficult

6.贫瘠的 barren、infertile(used to describe the soil is so poor that plants cannot be planted on it) 代替poor (soil)

7.易碎的 brittle、vulnerable(someone who is vulnerable is easily hurt emotionally or physically) 代替fragile

8.展示 demonstrate (to demonstrate a fact means tp make it clear to people. ) 代替show

9.公正的 impartial(someone who is impartial is able to give a fair opinion or decision on something. ) 代替fair

10.袭击 assault (physically attack someone)、assail (attack violently) 代替attack

11.憎恶 abhor(abhor means you hate something to a extreme extent for moral reasons)、loathe(dislike very much) 代替dislike

12. 破坏 devastate (it means damage something very badly、or utterly destroy it. ) 代替ruin

13.总是 invariably(the same as always、but better than always) 代替always

14.永久的 perpetual(a perpetual state never changes)、immutable(something immutable will never change or be changed) 代替forever

15.吃惊 startle(it means surprise you slightly)、astound(surprise you to a large degree),astonish(the same as astound) 代替surprise

16.热情 zeal (a great enthusiasm)、fervency (sincere and enthusiasm) 代替enthusiasm

17.平静的,安静的 tranquil(calm and peaceful)、serene(calm and quiet) 代替quiet

18.错综复杂的 intricate(if something is intricate、it often has many small parts and details) 代替ccomplex

19.独自的 solitary (if someone is solitary、there is no one near him/her 代替lonely

20.非常小的 minuscule(very small)、minute 代替small

高级英语五级作文范文 第四篇

替换think of

Suddenly I had an idea that someone had broken into my house.

An idea occurred to me that someone had broken into my house.

It occurred to me that someone had broken into my house.


He spends all his spare time in reading.

He devotes all his spare time to reading.

替换want / look for

They sought (wanted) to hide themselves behind the trees.


I’m an average (ordinary) student.


The film we saw last night was very interesting.

The film we saw last night was nothing but interesting.

The film we saw last night was anything but boring.


On his way to school, he found an old lady seated (sitting) by the road, looking worried.


He is supposed to (should) have driven more slowly.


Thank you very much for your help.

We appreciate your help very much. / Your help is much appreciated.

case替换 true

I don’t think it is the case(true).

替换as soon as

As soon as he arrived, he began his research.

On his arrival, he began his research.

to替换because of

He arrived late due to (because of) the storm.


After covering (walking) 10 miles, we all felt tired.

to替换be helpful/useful

Plenty of memory work is undoubtedly helpful to English study.

Plenty of memory work will undoubtedly contribute to English study.

the corner 替换 coming soon/ nearby

① The summer vacation is round the corner ( coming). Do you have any plans?

② Li Ming studies in a school round the corner (nearby).

to light替换discover

The family were so pleased when they discovered the lost jewels. →

The family were so pleased when the lost jewels came to light.

a ball替换have a good time/ enjoy oneself

After visiting the workshop, we went back to school. Every one of us had a ball (hada good time).

up with替换think of

Jack is very clever. He often comes up with (thinks of) new ideas.


Some students think that they should set aside some of their pocket money for books.

of + n. 替换adj.

The products are of high quality (very good) and are sold everywhere in China.

to 替换talk about/of, mention

The professor you referred to (talked about) is very famous.

but / cannot help but替换have to do

I could not but (had to) go home.

often than not替换usually

More often than not (Usually), the meaning of many words can be easily guessed.

替换so that /in order that

I wrote down his telephone number so that I would not forget it.

I wrote down his telephone number lest I (should) forget it.

long for sth. / be long to do sth. 替换want to do sth./wish for

I want to see you very much.

I am long to see you.

caught up in/be crazy about/be absorbed in/be addicted to替换be interested in

He is caught up in (very interested in) collecting stamps.


① I’m very glad to learn that you are coming in September.

I’m more than glad to learn that you are coming in September.

② If there is anything I can do for you, I would be more than glad to help.

(ly) 替换good/ very well

He speaks perfect (good) English./ He speaks English perfectly (very well).

sb a/the favor 替换help

Would you please do me the favor (help me ) to turn down the radio?

other day替换a few days ago

The other day my brother and I went to the cinema by bicycle.

the course of替换during

In the course of (During) the mountain-climbing, please help each other and pay special attention

to your safety.

majority of替换most

The majority of (Most of) the interviewees prefer watching TV at home to going to the cinema.

of替换be made up of

Our class consists of (is made up of) 50 students.

worn out替换 be tired / broken

①After five hours’ non-stop work, we were all worn out (tired).

②My shoes are worn out (broken). Please buy me a new pair.


What do you think has become of ( happened to ) him ?

to替换look after

condition that替换as long as


one’s satisfaction with替换be satisfied with

no efforts to do替换try one’s best to do

a 替换many

rushed off one’s feet 替换be busy in doing

handful of替换a little / some

替换at the same time

to one’s feet替换stand up


替换sometimes /once in while

instance替换for example

替换not often



a matter of fact 替换in fact

高级英语五级作文范文 第五篇










高级英语五级作文范文 第六篇

Since the 1960s, debates have been fueled on the ideal means of communication. Some observers, free lancers and columnists in particular, often emphasize that the more friends one has on line, the fewer one has in his life. However, through decades of practice and observation, it turns out that their statement has many restrictions.

Admittedly, the idea held by those observers does contain an element of truth. For example, along with the computer boom, Internet, the gem of twentieth century scientific technology, is playing an increasingly important role in the means of communication. But these arguers tend to ignore two other essential aspects. First, they fail to take into account the possibility that a variety of technical devices are available. As a result, people can resort to telephones or faxes to maintain a more intimate human relationship. In this sense, the popularity of Internet is not always synonymous to the emotional isolations between people. Second, the arguers’ assertion doesn’t provide sufficient data to narrow down the exact number of computer users who seldom contact their parents or colleagues. Therefore, any further conclusion addressing the problem must be based on thorough investigation. As a matter of fact, dinner parties, celebrating parties as well as other social activities always successfully bring people together. In this respect, the upsurge of electric contact is not the sole hallmark of the decrease of closed reasons above, the argument above, under a careful examination, turns out to be groundless in its hasty conclusion.

In conclusion, the arguers’ evidence lends little credible support to their claim. To persuade people that the more friends one has on line, the fewer friends one has in his life, the arguers would need to provide clear evidence, sufficient data and thorough cost-benefit analysis of alternatives.(297 words)

高级英语五级作文范文 第七篇

The command of one or more foreign languages is now a valuable asset for young people. While some find it easy to learn a foreign language, others feel that it really gives them headaches. Write a 300-word expository essay illustrating different kinds of language learners.

The issue whether a good command of one foreign language is rather complex, since it involves a conflict between the divergent motives in language learning and the suitable approaches dealing with the target language. However, the final judgment should depend on a case-by-case analysis of several key factors.

To begin with, since the 1980s, China has witnessed some dramatic changes in its relationship with other countries. As a result, more foreign companies have already invested in China. Under such situation, it is not surprising at all that a growing number of people, young ones in particular, are particularly interested in foreign language learning, for their linguistic competence will probably be a passport to an esteemed joint venture or bring to them a vacancy with the handsome salary. Additionally, some observers believe that sufficient financial support from the renowned educational institutions abroad also contribute to the rise of language learners. For example, In China, if a student performs well in such tests as TOEFL or GRE, he is more likely to be admitted by a foreign university. This consideration can also partly account for the increase of language learners. However, in some other instances, the above-mentioned situation is not always adequate. For instance, it is quite possible that a man learns a language out of his interest, or he is planning to work as an interpreter Surely enough, these are exceptional cases, yet they do exist.

Given the analysis above, it is justified to conclude that it is a social phenomenon nowadays that more people begin to learn a foreign language. But what measures should be taken so that language learners can benefit from their study? For one thing, they are expected to enhance their awareness that proper approaches are central in the language study. For another thing, they must attach importance to such basics as grammar, pronunciation or spelling. Still, they must bear in mind that it requires painstaking efforts to take a good command of a foreign language. As Samuel Johnson put it, “Words can’t move mountains. It is diligence that accounts.”(332 words)

高级英语五级作文范文 第八篇

替换think of

Suddenly I had an idea that someone had broken into my house.

An idea occurred to me that someone had broken into my house.

It occurred to me that someone had broken into my house.


He spends all his spare time in reading.

He devotes all his spare time to reading.

替换want / look for

They sought (wanted) to hide themselves behind the trees.


I’m an average (ordinary) student.


The film we saw last night was very interesting.

The film we saw last night was nothing but interesting.

The film we saw last night was anything but boring.


On his way to school, he found an old lady seated (sitting) by the road, looking worried.


He is supposed to (should) have driven more slowly.


Thank you very much for your help.

We appreciate your help very much. / Your help is much appreciated.

高级英语五级作文范文 第九篇

The Fathers That Hurting Their Babies

In Chinese classic family, the young mothers and fathers need to go to work everyday and the job of taking care of the children belongs to the grandparents. So when a foreign man goes to the kindergarten to pick up his child, the old people will very surprise and think he is not working. Actually, foreign fathers are willing to focus more attention to babies while Chinese fathers ignore their kids all the time.


The traditional Chinese fathers are thought to make money and support the family. It is women’s duty to take care of the children and family chores. So most Chinese fathers spend less time with their children. When the children are talking to them, they keep their eyes on the smart phones. Some men are not willing to go home early for the reason of companying their boss to have dinner. All of these deeds are hurting their children. The missing part of father’s role in children’s process of growing is not good.


The men should be aware of the importance of spending more time with children. It is both women and men’s duty to educate the kids.


高级英语五级作文范文 第十篇

It is often said that the subjects taught in schools are too academic in orientation and that it would be more useful for children to learn about practical matters such as home management,work and interpersonal what extent do you agree or disagree?

You should write no less than 250 your article on ANSWER SHEET 2.

One possible version:

A criticism often heard these days is that’ the subjects taught in schools tend to be too academic,and contribute little to preparing a young person for the tasks he or she will have to perform after say that academic subjects are rooted in the past,and are not useful for solving modem disagree with this point of view for three reasons.

My first reason is that it is the duty of parents,not teachers,to prepare their children to deal with the practical affairs of the the ideal place to learn about home management and interpersonal for work abilities and attitudes,they are best learned “on the job” and under the supervision of an experienced older worker.

My second reason is that academic subjects have withstood the test of represent the accumulated wisdom of our ancestors down through the ages,and far from being impractical,they equip US with the knowledge and confidence to make sound judgments about any problems which may crop addition,academic subjects are good for training us in mental discipline,while practical subjects are weak in this regard.

My third reason is based on the saying“Man does not live by bread a- lone.”schooldays devoted solely to instruction in down-to-earth practical matters would be dull indeed! Lessons in the best literature of the world and the epoch—making scientific and geographical discoveries of the past enrich our lives and make US feel that we are part of the great family of mankind.

All in all,the teaching of academic subjects in schools is entirely is my firmly held view that practical subjects have no place in the the curriculum should be more academic!

高级英语五级作文范文 第十一篇

With the widespread is an increase in the number of people making use of people believe that Internet will bring great benefits to people while others think Internet may cause depression.

Write an article about it to clarify your own points of view towards this issue.

You should write no less than 250 your article on ANSWER SHEET 2.

One possible version:

As computers are increasingly popular,we can have more access to is true that Interact can bring us a lot of Internet we can connect with the rest of the can build relationships with people who are in places we cannot can enjoy services offered on the net.

Internet,however,also brings us some side use may cause a decline in psychological well— to the research done in an American university,even people who spent just a few hours a week on the Internet experienced more depression and loneliness than those who logged on less wasn’t that people who were already feeling bad spent more time on the Internet,but that using the Net actually appeared to cause the bad feelings.

The fact that Internet use reduces time available for family and friends may account for me drop in “virtual” communication may less psychologically satisfying than actual conversation,and relationships formed through it may be ’s more,exposure to the wider world via the Net makes users less satisfied with their lives.

Though Internet use may cause some side effects,we must remember that this is not about the technology itself;it’s about how it is it can be used properly,Internet call be more beneficial to our life.

高级英语五级作文范文 第十二篇

Teachers pay little attention to those school failures, assuming that academic failure means failure in everything. What do you think of this attitude? Write a short argumentative essay(about 300 words) explaining your view.

Since the 1980s, there has been heated discussion on the correlation between the academic failure and the sustainable development of a child. Some teachers emphasize that academic failure will deprive a student of any opportunity to further his college education, thus bringing about disastrous changes to his prospective career. However, through numerous practices and observations, it turns out that their statement has many restrictions.

Admittedly, the idea held by those arguers does contain an element of truth. For example, the repeated academic failure will definitely leave a man frustrated, hence often casting a shadow on his mood. But these arguers tend to ignore two other essential aspects. First, they fail to take into account the possibility that many people, though presenting a poor academic performance at school, turn out to be outstanding in realms other than their original academic research and study. Consider Charles Darwin who often flunked in his medical study. He later became the founder of the Natural Selection and Evolution. In this sense, the academic frustration is not always synonymous to the bankruptcy of one’s future professional career. Second, the teachers’ assertion doesn’t provide sufficient data to narrow down the exact correlation between the academic competence and the future achievement. Therefore, any further conclusion addressing the problem must be based on thorough investigation. As a matter of fact, when Albert Einstein was young, he couldn’t properly complete certain simple calculation. But he finally established himself as the founder of the Theory of Relativity. Given reasons above, the argument that the academic failure means failure in everything, under a careful scrutiny, turns out to be groundless in its hasty conclusion.

In conclusion, these teachers’ evidence lends little credible support to their claim. To persuade people that academic success is central in one’s career, those teachers would need to provide clear evidence, sufficient data and thorough cause and-effect analysis of alternatives. (311 words)