

发布时间:2022-10-14 13:53:50阅读量:48



【开篇】The Salton Sea in California is actually a salty inland lake. The level of salt in the lake’s water—what scientists call its salinity—has been increasing steadily for years because the lake’s water is evaporating faster than it is being replaced by rainfall or rivers. If the trend continues, the lake’s water will soon become so salty that the lake will be unable to support fish and bird populations. The lake would then become essentially a dead zone. Fortunately, there are several ways to reverse the trend that is threatening the lake’s health.


Salton sea 哦,一种lake➡️salt越来越多 ➡️这么个trend要是继续谁也活不了➡️哦,幸好有ways reverse this trend✌️

【Body1】One option is direct removal of salt from the lake’s water in special desalination facilities. Water from the lake would be pumped into the facilities and heated. This would cause the water to evaporate into steam, while salt and other materials dissolved in the water would be left behind. The steam would then be cooled down and returned to the lake as salt-free water. Gradually, the high salt levels would be reduced and the lake’s overall health would be restored.


哦直接remove salt 用desalination facilities(去盐设备)➡️pump进去 heated➡️ 变成steam ; salt之类的 leave➡️steam cool成无salt的 回lack

【Body2】Another possible solution is to dilute the salt level in the lake with water from the ocean. Since water in the Pacific Ocean is 20 percent less salty than water in the lake, bringing ocean water into the lake would decrease the lake’s salinity. The ocean water could be delivered through pipelines or canals.


还有一个办法是啥呢:dilute salt 稀释吧,用 海水稀释(啊这 )➡️哦海水比lake less salt得有20%(数字不重要别太上心)➡️ ⬇️lake的salinity➡️可以用pipeline/canal把海水弄过来

【Body3】Yet another solution would be to control the lake’s salinity by constructing walls to divide the lake into several sections. In the smaller sections, salinity would be allowed to increase. However, in the main and largest section, salinity would be reduced and controlled by, among other things, directing all the freshwater from small rivers in the area to flow into that main section of the lake.


最后一个方式是筑walls把lake分开sections➡️小的section,salinity可以⬆️;大的main section salinity要⬇️,从river引freshwater来大main section


Listening 区








This essay does a good job responding to the topic by developing benefits of both making new friends and keeping old friends, ending with the conclusion that they are of equal importance and that there is no reason to have to choose. In this essay, the level of vocabulary is not as sophisticated as would be typical in a top-rated essay, but there is some very good grammatical complexity displayed and vocabulary is used accurately.


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

In order to be well-informed, a person must get information from many different news resourc es.

Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


In modern society, media was almost everywhere. At the beginning of one day, I read a newspaper when eating breakfast. On the mass transportation to office, I listen to radio programs until the subway arrive my destination. A high school boy next to me is playing an I-phone, and people on the bus read books, journals, and magazines. I usually skimp newspapers and magazines when passing by a convenient store. Actually, there are too many sources providing information. I take advantage of them every day, but I still do not feel well-informed, because there is too much information filling into my thinking. So that is the reason why I disagree with the statement that a person must get information from various news sources to be well-informed.

First of all, there are too many sources, and most of them give segment information. The segment information might be misleading our judgment. For example, the weather reports on channels always have different opinions. Sometimes a programs says there would be rain tomorrow with 30 percentage raining rate, the other provided that it would be cloudy tomorrow and possible a sunny day. Their forecasts are different and might be true. Unfortunately, people are more likely to get all of them, which made us harder to make a decision for tomorrow’s plan. Hence, people get information from different sources might mislead their judgment and be more difficult to be well-informed.

Second, if the people have many sources for information, they will have no time to be well-informed, because they must spend more time integrating them. For example, when I was in the university, I did a study on earth quake and tsunami. I gathered the information from textbooks, national geographic magazines, and discovery channel, as well as the internet. I spent many time organizing these information, and got different knowledge from different media. From the textbook, I knew causes of earth quake and its relationship with tsunami. Then, from the discovery channel, I learned the nascent point of view from well-known researchers. I also had the various theories on the internet and finally found they were partially obsolete. After I gathered all the information, I found that to integrate them into a study was really a task, since there was too much information. As a result, I needed more time to be well-informed, and I would rather to take a geological class about the topic.

In sum, there are too many sources providing information. We could spend a lot of time to absorb it all, but the information might be different from different sources. This might make us misleading and lose our judgment. In addition, information from different sources might be too diverged to merge. With that, we have to spend more time on organization. Therefore, many different news sources are appropriate for a person who wants to be well-informed.


Friends play an important role in everyone's life. In some cases, friends could even be of greater help than your family members. The issue whether it is more important to keep your old friends than it is to make new friends has become a hot issue for people all over the world. As far as I am concerned, keeping old friends is more significant than making new friends. To begin with, old friends have a better understanding of you. They have known you for many years and have shared happinesses and sorrows in the past years with you. For you, they are more like your family members. I have a great friend named Joy. We have become best friends since high school. She can read what I'm thinking from my facial expressions. I will turn to her for advice whenever I'm confused. In addition, she will give me warm comfort if I feel upset. I trust her and she trust me, too. Although we may work or live in different places, this precious friendship will last forever. The next point to be mentioned is that it's not easy to make sincere new friends in the complicated working environment. Most of my good friends were made in school, where there is much love. However, people care more about themselves and their family and have little time and energy to develop close friendship with others. The most common relationship in the society is colleague. Most people have their own circles of friends at that time. However, we can't deny the importance of making new friends. New friends mean new ways of thinking and different life experiences. By communicating with them, you can learn something different and have various kinds of pleasure. All in all, keeping old friends is of greater importance than making new friends.












Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

Parents today are more involved in their children's education than parents were in the past.

Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


The involvement of parents in their children’s education has been acknowledged to include not only the exact knowledge and values they would tell their children but also the attention they would pay to their children’s educational process as well as the role they would play during the decision-making process. From my perspective, modern parents are more related to their children’s educational aspects than parents are in the past.

It could not be denied that parents in the modern society would bear much more responsibilities and burdens as well than those in the past such as the financial pressure to support the family, due to the increasing desire of individuals and the economic reality in the present society. That means modern parents would spend plenty of time on earning money and have less time to be with their children or to actually teach them. However, the real situation regarding the children education is that parents in the present are more likely to emphasize the education of their children in various respects such as arranging the detailed study plan for their children.

Moreover, the emphasis children would receive on their education from the parents has been increased significantly in the contemporary society, because of the fact that individuals now have generally believed in the essential influence of the education on people especially the younger generation. That significance could be realized by the modern parents during their working and social experiences, and it to a great extent could be comprehended due to the reality that the well-educated person has been demanded in relatively every area of the current society. Therefore, in order to help their children to become successful and qualified, parents in the present have been inclined to check or help with their school projects, to have them acquire multiple skills, and to expect them to receive the best education at a higher level, which would not be the focus of the parents in the past who even did not care about the educational situation of their children and merely held the expectation that the children could help to support the family in terms of the finance as soon as possible.

Furthermore, it has been proposed that current parents have been more active during the process of making decisions related to their children's educational choices than the past. That could suggest that to some extent they would like to exert an influence on the children and their educational affairs rather than be willing to let their children to have the independent decision-making process as they did in the past, which might be due to the possibility that the present parents might place more emphasis on their children’s education and not want them to make any mistakes. However, this situation could probably be interpreted that the modern parents could be considered to be the better educated people themselves and could assist their children to choose wisely and appropriately by offering the relevant information and reasonable advice in the course of educational matters such as how to plan their time arrangements, what major they would study in, and whether they should have a gap year before entering the university.

In conclusion, although modern parents might have less time with their children than those in the past during their educational period, they definitely could be regarded as more active in the participation in their children's educational activities in terms of the attention they might pay and the positive effort they might provide to help their children to make educational decisions due to the fact that they perceive the importance.


The reading and listening discuss about prescribed burning. The reading points out three disadvantages of prescribed burning. Whereas, the professor totally refutes the three points presented in the passage.

Firstly, the professor rebuts the reading’s first point that the wildlife will be negatively affected, especially those which are young and probably unable to escape. The professor claims that people will choose to conduct the prescribed burning in some special period. And during these periods animals do not reproduce. Without junior animals, the adult animals will be able to flee easily.

Secondly, the professor contradicts reading’s second reason that there’s carbon dioxide in the smoke released during the burring process. And the CO2 will aggravate pollution and green house effect. The professor mentions that the process of growing the plants counteracts this release of carbon dioxide. Besides, the place for prescribed burning is small, and the process emits small amount of smog, which will actually be absorbed soon.

At last, the passage points out prescribed burning has nothing to do with preventing forest fires in some places, thus there’s no need to spend money and energy on prescribed burning. However, the professor explains that tt’s true that this way can not prevent another forest fire happening, but that’s because of people’s carelessness. Prescribed burnings are used to eliminate flammable substances, like branches. And even in the areas where the natural fire often happens, the fire can be controlled and put out easily, for there’s no combustion improver nearby.


Actually, fires are natural part of ecological cycle and their role is not just destructive but also creative. That is why the “let it burn” policy is fundamentally a good one, even if it sometimes causes fires of the 1988 Yellowstone fire. Let’s look at what happened after 1988 fire.

事实上,森林大火是生态系统的组成部分,而且大火的角色不仅仅是破坏性的, 同时也是建设性的。这就是为什么“随它燃烧”政策基本上是正确的,尽管它导 致了 1988 年黄石大火。让我们看看 1988 大火之后发生了什么。

First, vegetation. As you might imagine, scorched areas were in time colonized by

new plants. As a matter of fact, the plants in Yellowstone became more diverse because the fire created an opportunity for certain plants that could not grow otherwise. For example, areas where the trees have been destroyed by the fire could now be taken over by smaller plants that needed open and shaded space to grow. And another example, seeds of certain plants species won’t germinate unless they’re exposed to very high levels of heat. So, those plants started appearing after the fire as well.

首先,对于植物来说。你们可以想到,那些烧焦的地方随着时间的发展都会被新 的植物覆盖。而且事实上,因为大火给一些本来难以生长的种类得以发芽,黄石 的植物因此变得更具多样性。比如,原来长满树木的地方因为火灾遭到破坏,但 现在那里长满了需要开阔而阴凉空间的小型植物。另一个例子是,一些植物的种 子只有经受过非常高的温度之后才能够发芽。所以,这些植物会在大火之后开始 生长。

It’s a similar story with the animals. Not only did their populations recover, but the fire also created new opportunities. For instance, the small plants that replaced trees after the fire created an ideal habitat for certain small animals like rabbits and hares. And when rabbits and hares started thriving, so did some predators that depended on them for food. So, certain food chains actually became stronger after the fire than they were before.

动物的情况也类似。不但动物的数量会逐步回复,而且大火会给动物的生长带来 新的机会。比如,那些在火灾之后取代原有树木的小型植物给一些小型动物提供 了极佳的栖息地,比如兔子。当兔子的数量开始变多,那么以它们为食的捕食者 的数量也会增加。所以,大火过后,相应的食物链会变得比之前更加稳定。

And last, fires like 1988 Yellowstone fire would be a problem for tourism if they happened every year. But they don’t. It was a very unusual combination of factors

that year, low rainfall, unusually strong winds, accumulation of dry undergrowth that caused fire to be so massive. This combination has not occurred since and Yellowstone has not seen such a fire since 1988. Visitors came back to the park next year and each year after that.

最后,只要 1988 年的黄石大火不是每年都发生,那么就不会对旅游业造成巨大 问题。而事实上,也确实不会每年发生。大火的发生是在那一年诸多因素和偶然 的相互作用。比如,降水少、罕见的大风,以及干燥的低层植被的聚集导致了那 次大火规模空前。但是这些因素没有再次聚合,而黄石公园自1988年开始也没有出现过这样规模的火灾。游客在大火第二年的时候就会恢复,而且这种趋势会保持下去。



[开头段] While the reading passage proposes three ways to do/measures to do /approaches to sth , the lecturer argues that these * s … (灵活变通)

[Body 1] One * is … . However, the lecturer points out…

[Body 2] Another * is …. The man/woman, on the other hand, argues…

[Body 3] Regarding the last * mentioned, (此⽅式总结成名词词组), the lecturer contends that…


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

The extended family (grandparents, cousins, aunts, and uncles) is less important now than it was in the past.

Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


The extended family was of great importance in the good old days, but is it still of great importance in our modern society? In my point of view, though the extended family is still important, it is really less important that it was before because of the development of the new society.

One of the important uses of the extended family is to help with family affairs and housework. Meanwhile, nowadays people tend to turn to the community service to help with housework. Under this circumstance, we can hire someone else, who doesn’t belong to our whole family, to help us with family work. For instance, my mom was brought up with the help of her grandparents. But I was taken care of by the baby-sitter, whom may parents hired from the community service center. The community service center provides good service with a reasonable price.

Another important thing that extended family can to is to provide information to and educate family members. However, in the modern society, we have schools to get our education. We have several methods, such as Television and Internet, to get information. These are resources which can be easily had access to. We do not depend on our family members to get knowledge of the world we live in any longer.

In addition, nowadays people tend to live alone with their small care family rather than live with many family members within a big family. Therefore, we have our own circle of communication and we have less in common between different families. Taking my own family as an example, my family and my uncle’s are living in the different cities. We usually get together only on spring festival. We have different friends and interest, so sometimes we just find it hard to have something in common. Thus, if we really have something in trouble, we can hardly turn to them for help.

All in all, though extended family is still essential to us to some extent, it is less useful with the development of the modern society. The importance of extended family is now fading.