报道类新闻英语作文范文 第一篇
A post about a Chinese nurse who helped a Japanesestudent has gone viral on Weibo, a Twitter-likesocial media platform.
During a vacation in Japan, the 28-year-old nurserushed to aid a Japanese middle-school student whowas having an epileptic seizure on April 18, accordingto media reports.
Ren Shuangshuang works at Henan Cancer Hospital as a surgical nurse. She encountered theJapanese girl when visiting the famous tourist attraction Senso-ji.
xxxIt was very crowded and a girl fainted,xxx Ren recalled. She immediately approached the girl afterthe translator for her tour group cried out for help.
The girl was twitching and foam was coming out of her mouth. Ren immediately guessed thatthe girl was having an epileptic seizure.
Ren lay the girl down, unbuttoned her coat and cleaned the foam from around her mouth. Shestuffed a wet tissue into the girl's mouth to prevent her from accidentally biting her tongue.
The girl eventually regained awareness and tried to sit up to thank Ren, but the nurse toldher to lie back down and rest. An ambulance later arrived to transport the girl to a hospital.
Ren's actions were recorded by other tourists and uploaded to social media. Her good deedhas been widely lauded.
So far, the post has got more than 12,000 comments and nearly 200,000 thumbs-up. xxxGoodgirl! That's what a doctor with good virtues would do. Love has no nationalities,xxx said one ofthe comments, which received more than 16,000 thumbs-up.
报道类新闻英语作文范文 第二篇
Please note: our school radio station needs two English news announcers. They must be able to speak fluent English and write compositions in English. If you are interested in it and you meet the requirements, please register at the radio station.
We will select the best two candidates. The candidates must pass two tests, one is oral English test and the other is written test. We hope that You can participate actively and do something for our school.
Good luck.
报道类新闻英语作文范文 第三篇
The United Nations Security Council will hold an emergency closed-door meeting to discuss the rising tension in Ukraine.
Tension in the country increased over the weekend after the Ukrainian government gave pro-Russian demonstrators an ultimatum to disarm or face a xxxfull-scale anti-terrorist operation.xxx
A security officer and a pro-Russian demonstrator died on Sunday following a confrontation in eastern Ukraine, where demonstrators have seized police and security buildings.
Moscow reacted strongly following the deaths, with the country's foreign ministry saying it is xxxoutrageousxxx that the Ukrainian government is using armed forces for quelling protests. Russia has called for an end to the use of the military against the Ukrainian people and the start of a national dialogue for the sake of early and radical constitutional reform in Ukraine.
报道类新闻英语作文范文 第四篇
报道类新闻英语作文范文 第五篇
遗弃男孩Abandoned boy claimed after receiving large donationsA 14-year-old abandoned child in De'e township,Longlin county,Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region,has been claimed by a relative and local officials after 5 million yuan ($802,000) was donated for him,CCTV reported on Wednesday.在广西壮族自治区隆林县德峨村,一名14岁被遗弃儿童的亲属和当地政府官员声称他收到了500万元(8万美元)的捐款。中国央视周三报道。Named Yang Liujin,the boy's father died when he was 6 years old and his mother left him to live with his grandparents.孩子叫杨六斤,男孩的父亲在他六岁时去世了,他的母亲抛弃了他,搬父母住在一起。Four years ago,his grandparents also died and he has since lived alone on 10 yuan per week from his cousin.四年前,他的祖父母也去世了,他一个人住,每周从表亲那里得到10元。As the money was not enough to support him,the boy often only had weeds to eat.钱不够他生活男孩常常只能吃草填肚。His story was reported on May 23 by Guangxi TV after which, on June 6, he was taken to Shenzhen, Guangdong province, by two volunteers from a private school that was willing to provide the boy with free accommodation and schooling.广西电台在五月二十三号报道过他的故事后,六月六号他就被一所私人学校的两名志愿者带去了广东省深圳市,该学校愿意免费提供孩子的生活和学习费用。From the day the boy's story was reported until June 24, some 5 million yuan was donated for him.从男孩的故事被报道后一直到六月二十四号,他收到了大约五百万元的捐款。However, Yang's cousin and officials of the township government went to Shenzhen on June 20 and said they would take care of the boy. Although Yang strongly wanted to stay at the school, he was taken back to his hometown on June 24.然而,六月二十号,杨六斤的表亲和该村政府就赶到深圳市并称将由他们照顾杨六斤。尽管孩子十分想留在学校,六月二十四号的时候他还是被带回了自己的家乡。The cousin said he would help Yang manage the donated money and promised not to indiscriminately use it.他的亲人说他会帮孩子管理捐款,还承诺不会非法使用捐款。
报道类新闻英语作文范文 第六篇
The Indian Space Research Organisation's GSAT-9on board the Geosynchronous Satellite LaunchVehicle (GSLV-F09), launches in Sriharikota in thestate of Andhra Pradesh. —AFP
India launched a communications satellite on Fridayfor its smaller neighbours to share, part of its effortsto build goodwill in the region and counter Chineseinfluence, but arch-rival Pakistan said it would stayaway from the project.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who came to office promising to strengthen ties withneighbours such as Sri Lanka, Nepal and even Pakistan, has called the satellite a gift to southAsia.
“The successful launch of South Asia Satellite is a historic moment. It opens up new horizons ofengagement,” he said soon after an Indian-made rocket carrying the satellite lifted off from theSriharikota space centre in southern India.
So far Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, Sri Lanka and the Maldives have signed up tomake use of the satellite. Pakistan said it was working on its own satellite and did not join.
The South Asia Satellite will offer participating countries television services and for bank ATMs and e-governance, and may even serve as a backup for cellularnetworks, especially in places where the terrestrial connectivity is weak, the Indian foreignministry said.
报道类新闻英语作文范文 第七篇
China's Foreign Minister Wang Yi (right) shakeshands with South Korean special envoy Lee Hae-chanat the foreign ministry in Beijing on May 18, 2017 (AFP Photo/THOMAS PETER)
2017年5月18日,中国外交部长王毅在北京会见韩国总统特使李海瓒(法新社/THOMAS PETER)
China's foreign minister urged South Korea's newgovernment on Thursday to remove xxxobstaclesxxx togood relations amid Chinese anger at the USdeployment of an anti-missile system on the Koreanpeninsula.
Greeting South Korean presidential envoy Lee Hae-Chan in Beijing, Foreign Minister Wang Yisaid bilateral relations have made immense progress over the years.
xxxBut this year we've had some undeserved setbacks,xxx Wang said, likely in a veiled referenceto the Terminal High Altitude Area Defence (THAAD) system that became operational earlier thismonth.
xxxWe hope the new government will correct the problems that we have encountered and takeeffective measures and positions as soon as possible to remove the obstacles that have beenplaced on the road to good relations between our two countries.xxx
South Korea's new President Moon Jae-In dispatched Lee to Beijing in the wake of his electionvictory last week.
Ties between Seoul and Beijing soured before Moon's election over the deployment of THAAD,which is aimed at guarding against threats from nuclear-armed North Korea. China sees THAADas a threat to the regional security balance.
Left-leaning Moon and President Xi Jinping spoke on the phone last week and both agreed thatdenuclearising North Korea was a xxxcommon goalxxx between them, Moon's spokesman said.
xxxWe believe South Korea will bring clear measures to improve relations,xxx Wang said.
For his part, Lee said Moon asked him xxxto express his thanks to President Xi for his message ofcongratulations after our election. He also asked me to come and engage in deep dialoguexxx.
Moon's spokesman, Yoon Young, said last week that the special delegation to Beijing wouldxxxexclusively discuss the THAAD and the North's nuclear issuesxxx.
Moon, who took office on Wednesday, favours engagement with the North -- whose keydiplomatic backer is China -- to bring it to the negotiating table over its nuclear and missileambitions.
He has previously expressed ambivalence over the THAAD system and told Xi last week hewas xxxwell awarexxx of Chinese concerns about it, calling for bilateral talks to xxx over the issuexxx.
Tensions have been running high in the region, with Pyongyang launching what appeared to beits longest-range missile yet on Sunday.
The United Nations Security Council met behind closed door on Tuesday to discuss tighteningsanctions on North Korea.
US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley said the United States was working with China on a newsanctions resolution and warned that all countries must step up action against North Korea orface measures themselves.
美国驻联合国大使Nikki Haley称美与中国正就一项新制裁措施展开合作,他还警告说,所有国家都应加紧采取行动反制朝鲜,不然也会面对制裁。
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