

发布时间:2022-11-29 10:52:35阅读量:745

情侣唯美的序言范文英语 第一篇


At lunch next day there were very nice pies, crayfish, and mutton cutlets; and while we were eating, Nikanor, the cook, came up to ask what the visitors would like for dinner. He was a man of medium height, with a puffy face and little eyes; he was close-shaven, and it looked as though his moustaches had not been shaved, but had been pulled out by the roots. Alehin told us that the beautiful Pelagea was in love with this cook. As he drank and was of a violent character, she did not want to marry him, but was willing to live with him without. He was very devout, and his religious convictions would not allow him to “live in sin”; he insisted on her marrying him, and would consent to nothing else, and when he was drunk he used to abuse her and even beat her. Whenever he got drunk she used to hide upstairs and sob, and on such occasions Alehin and the servants stayed in the house to be ready to defend her in case of necessity.




We began talking about love.

“How love is born,” said Alehin, “why Pelagea does not love somebody more like herself in her spiritual and external qualities, and why she fell in love with Nikanor, that ugly snout—we all call him ‘The Snout’—how far questions of personal happiness are of consequence in love—all that is unknown; one can take what view ones likes of it. So far only one incontestable truth has been uttered about love: ‘This is a great mystery.’ Everything else that has been written or said about love is not a conclusion, but only a statement of questions which have remained unanswered. The explanation which would seem to fit one case does not apply in a dozen others, and the very best thing, to my mind, would be to explain every case individually without attempting to generalize. We ought, as the doctors say, to individualize each case.”

“Perfectly true,” Burkin assented.


“We Russians of the educated class have a partiality for these questions that remain unanswered. Love is usually poeticized, decorated with roses, nightingales; we Russians decorate our loves with these momentous questions, and select the most uninteresting of them, too. In Moscow, when I was a student, I had a friend who shared my life, a charming lady, and every time I took her in my arms she was thinking what I would allow her a month for housekeeping and what was the price of beef a pound. In the same way, when we are in love we are never tired of asking ourselves questions: whether it is honourable or dishonourable, sensible or stupid, what this love is leading up to, and so on. Whether it is a good thing or not I don’t know, but that it is in the way, unsatisfactory, and irritating, I do know.”


It looked as though he wanted to tell some story. People who lead a solitary existence always have something in their hearts which they are eager to talk about. In town bachelors visit the baths and the restaurants on purpose to talk, and sometimes tell the most interesting things to bath attendants and waiters; in the country, as a rule, they unbosom themselves to their guests. Now from the window we could see a grey sky, trees drenched in the rain; in such weather we could go nowhere, and there was nothing for us to do but to tell stories and to listen.

“离开大学后,我在沙非诺生活和务农了很长一段时间。”阿列恒开始了他的故事,“我是一个受过教育的懒散的绅士,一个随性热心的人。可是当我来到这儿时庄园欠下了一大笔债,而我父亲之所以负债部分原因是我花费不小的学费。我决定不走了,而是开始工作直到还清这笔债。我下定决心这么做并开始工作,坦白说,不是一点不动摇的。这里的土地收益并不大,一个人经营农场如果想不赔本必须使用农奴或雇用劳工,这几乎是一码子事;或者把自己等同于农民,就是说,亲自带着一家人下地干活。此外,没有折中的路子。不过那时我还没有探究到这些微妙关系。我不漏过一块未翻耕的土地,把附近村子里所有的农民,无论男人女人都聚到了一起,工作以极大的速度进展着。我亲自耕地,播种,收割,可是烦透了做这一切,就像村子里的猫饿得去吃菜园里的黄瓜一样厌恶得焦眉烂额。我全身疼痛,走路都打瞌睡。起先似乎我能轻易调和这种辛苦的生活与我有教养的习惯,我认为要做到这一点在生活中有必要维持一种固定的表面形式。我把自己安置到楼上这儿最好的房间里,我指示仆人们午饭和晚饭后给我把咖啡和酒端到楼上,每晚上床睡觉时我都要看Vyestnik Evropi。可是一天,我们的牧师伊凡神父来了,一口气喝完了我所有的酒,Vyestnik Evropi也到牧师的女儿们手里去了。夏季,特别是割晒牧草的时候,我根本连床都挨不到,有时睡在谷仓的雪撬上,有时睡在某个森林人的小屋里,哪还有看书的机会?慢慢地我搬到楼下来了,开始在仆人的厨房里吃饭,除了我服侍父亲的仆人,解雇他们会令他们痛苦万分,我之前的奢侈荡然无存。

“I have lived at Sofino and been farming for a long time,” Alehin began, “ever since I left the University. I am an idle gentleman by education, a studious person by disposition; but there was a big debt owing on the estate when I came here, and as my father was in debt partly because he had spent so much on my education, I resolved not to go away, but to work till I paid off the debt. I made up my mind to this and set to work, not, I must confess, without some repugnance. The land here does not yield much, and if one is not to farm at a loss one must employ serf labour or hired labourers, which is almost the same thing, or put it on a peasant footing—that is, work the fields oneself and with one’s family. There is no middle path. But in those days I did not go into such subtleties. I did not leave a clod of earth unturned; I gathered together all the peasants, men and women, from the neighbouring villages; the work went on at a tremendous pace. I myself ploughed and sowed and reaped, and was bored doing it, and frowned with disgust, like a village cat driven by hunger to eat cucumbers in the kitchen-garden. My body ached, and I slept as I walked. At first it seemed to me that I could easily reconcile this life of toil with my cultured habits; to do so, I thought, all that is necessary is to maintain a certain external order in life. I established myself upstairs here in the best rooms, and ordered them to bring me there coffee and liquor after lunch and dinner, and when I went to bed I read every night the Vyestnik Evropi. But one day our priest, Father Ivan, came and drank up all my liquor at one sitting; and the Vyestnik Evropi went to the priest’s daughters; as in the summer, especially at the haymaking, I did not succeed in getting to my bed at all, and slept in the sledge in the barn, or somewhere in the forester’s lodge, what chance was there of reading? Little by little I moved downstairs, began dining in the servants’ kitchen, and of my former luxury nothing is left but the servants who were in my father’s service, and whom it would be painful to turn away.


“In the first years I was elected here an honourary justice of the peace. I used to have to go to the town and take part in the sessions of the congress and of the circuit court, and this was a pleasant change for me. When you live here for two or three months without a break, especially in the winter, you begin at last to pine for a black coat. And in the circuit court there were frock-coats, and uniforms, and dress- coats, too, all lawyers, men who have received a general education; I had some one to talk to. After sleeping in the sledge and dining in the kitchen, to sit in an arm-chair in clean linen, in thin boots, with a chain on one’s waistcoat, is such luxury!



“I received a warm welcome in the town. I made friends eagerly. And of all my acquaintanceships the most intimate and, to tell the truth, the most agreeable to me was my acquaintance with Luganovitch, the vice-president of the circuit court. You both know him: a most charming personality. It all happened just after a celebrated case of incendiarism; the preliminary investigation lasted two days; we were exhausted. Luganovitch looked at me and said:

“ ‘Look here, come round to dinner with me.’


“This was unexpected, as I knew Luganovitch very little, only officially, and I had never been to his house. I only just went to my hotel room to change and went off to dinner. And here it was my lot to meet Anna Alexyevna, Luganovitch’s wife. At that time she was still very young, not more than twenty-two, and her first baby had been born just six months before. It is all a thing of the past; and now I should find it difficult to define what there was so exceptional in her, what it was in her attracted me so much; at the time, at dinner, it was all perfectly clear to me. I saw a lovely young, good, intelligent, fascinating woman, such as I had never met before; and I felt her at once some one close and already familiar, as though that face, those cordial, intelligent eyes, I had seen somewhere in my childhood, in the album which lay on my mother’s chest of drawers.

情侣唯美的序言范文英语 第二篇









































情侣唯美的序言范文英语 第三篇

1. Look at my woman. She has great strength.

2. I don't want to be rich all my life, but I want to be with you every night.

3. I want to be with you.

4. Please allow me to warm you.

5. May you love me and never change.

6. Follow me when and when.

7. We share each other's feelings and forget the Jianghu.

8. I love you until I stop breathing!

9. Happy Valentine's Day every day!

10. Your elegance makes the moon aftertaste.

11. Love you is my career all my life.

12. It's okay if you don't love me. It makes me feel bad for you.

13. Hand in hand and watch the sea together.

14. I am the only one who really misses you.

15. I love you, and I love you forever.

16. Salute with your right hand and lead you with your left hand.

17. Work hard and see at the highest level.

18. Listen to the rain by the window.

19. Like you without permission.

20. With you, darkness is no longer darkness.

21. Shallow smile, also the whole city.

22. Valentine's Day is approaching, I really miss you!

23. Light eyes and light ears.

24. Old city dreams, old times.

25. Don't frown, you are the most precious.

26. When you see me once, I am tempted once. When you look back and smile, I am happy.

27. Since you came out, the mirror is dark. Thinking of you is like running water, when you are poor.

28. There are thousands of kinds of people in the world, so you can't ask for them without floating clouds. If you are a rainbow, you will know when you meet them.

29. This world is too tacky, unlike you, the vast milky way is gentle and tactful.

30. Hold your hand and accompany you to be crazy; Kiss your eyes deeply, and accompany you for a lifetime.


1. Men can't cry, but my little boy can.

2. Life is long and fleeting. Some people see dust, others see stars.

3. Will fall into the gentle twilight, will fall into you.

4. I earn money to support you.

5. I have a hundred ways, and I have a hundred likes.

6. In the name of love, I sentence you to life imprisonment and execute it in my heart.

7. Every time you swim hard, just to reach your side.

8. You are a wandering soul in the wilderness, and I am the one who smells you.

9. There is a kind of meeting, which has never been invited, but has a heart-to-heart connection.

10. What else can I do besides loving my husband?

11. Let go of myself before I can get to know you.

No matter where I meet you, I will like you.

13. Holding you is the happiness of my life.

14. I've been looking for spring for half a life, just smile.

15. I miss you very much every day.

16. with you, life seems too short.

17. Let miss refuse to burn, let miss refuse to burn.

18. From the day I met you, I never thought about parting.

19. Shan Ye Wanli, you are my favorite hidden in the breeze.

20. You smile sweetly and taste salty.

情侣唯美的序言范文英语 第四篇


Starting a new book is a risk, just like falling in love. You have to commit to it. You open the pages knowing a little bit about it maybe, from the back or from a blurb on the front. But who knows, right? Those bits and pieces aren’t always right.


Sometimes people advertise themselves as one thing and then when you get deep into it you realize that they’re something completely different. Either there was some good marketing attached to a terrible book, or the story was only explained in a superficial way and once you reach the middle of the book, you realize there’s so much more to this book than anyone could have ever told you.


You start off slow. The story is beginning to unfold. You’re unsure. It’s a big commitment lugging this tome around. Maybe this book won’t be that great but you’ll feel guilty about putting it down. Maybe it’ll be so awful you’ll keep hate-reading or just set it down immediately and never pick it up again. Or maybe you’ll come back to it some night, drunk or lonely — needing something to fill the time, but it won’t be any better than it was when you first started reading it.


Maybe you’re worn out. You’ve read tons of books before. Some were just light weights on a Kindle or Nook, no big deal really. Others were Infinite Jest-style burdens, heavy on your back or in your purse. Weighing you down all the time. Maybe you’ve taken some time off from reading because the last few books you read just weren’t worth it. Do they even write new, great works of literature anymore? Maybe that time you fell in love with a book before will just never happen for you again. Maybe it’s a once in a lifetime feeling and you’re never gonna find it again.


Or something exciting could happen. Maybe this will become your new favorite book. That’s always a possibility right? That’s the beauty of risk. The reward could actually be worth it. You invest your time and your brain power in the words and what you get back is empathy and a new understanding and pure wonder.


How could someone possibly know you like this? Some stranger, some author, some character. It’s like they’re seeing inside your soul. This book existed inside some book store, on a shelf, maybe handled by other people and really it was just waiting for you pick it up and crack the spine. It was waiting to speak to you. To say, “You are not alone.”

情侣唯美的序言范文英语 第五篇

campus love isn’t a newly-born phenomenon. some people are strongly against it while some others think it’s natural. i don’t advocate reasons are as follows. first of all, undergraduates are neither fully psychologically mature nor able to assume the responsibility, especially freshmen and sophomores. second, they may indulge in it, thus dilapidate their study, which isn’t rare.

third, some just take advantage of it to kill time, avoid boredom with much time at their own disposals, have someone keep company, etc.

what’s more, some change dating "partners" frequently, holding a paradox opinion that they could show off their charm or accumulate experience, but more often than not, they would leave a bad impression, such as lacking the sense of responsibility, on others, especially their former sweethearts. last, the proportion of successful couples is too low. the overwhelming majority reach the same end-parting just before graduation, forced by reality, etc.

so, look before you leap, discard campus love and make a wiser decision after graduation.



