

发布时间:2022-11-16 17:45:05阅读量:371

英文职业规划范文 第一篇

As an expert or generalist, there are many professions that emphasize specialization more and more. Moreover, the demand for people who can see forests instead of trees is increasing. We call them "experts" and "generalists" respectively.

An expert knows a field. He is concerned with technology and tools. He is a "well-trained" versatile person, especially an executive.

He is concerned with leadership, planning and guidance. He is an "educated" person. Any organization needs these two kinds of people.

Although different organizations need different proportions of them, during your training period, your task It's about finding out which one of these two jobs is right for you and planning your career accordingly.



英文职业规划范文 第二篇

That's what I want to be. If my English is as good as my Chinese, I'm working hard. I want to live with English.

I'll learn an English trade. Completely, as an automobile technician, I'll be able to talk about all the parts of a car in English and how to assemble a car with these parts. When I become a supervisor, if I work in the industry I choose, I will assign jobs to my employees.

I can't use Chinese at all because my employees don't know Chinese. They can understand English and many other languages. But China English is not our working language.

Why should I plan my career like the above? What can I do? If I want to do the same thing in Chinese and English, I may not I have to learn how to do it in two languages. It's a waste of my time. When I want to be a car technician, I just need to learn English trade.

In this way, I don't have to waste time learning the same industry in Chinese again, and I don't waste time translating English into Chinese. I already know that my profession will be an English Automobile technician, which is exactly what I want to do What I want.



英文职业规划范文 第三篇

Future Idea Of My Major

Name Zhang Yuntian Name Zhou Chao Name Hao Ying SID 2013232025 SID 2013232027 SID SID

Name Qiao Yanan

Crowds of Searching for One Job

Job market

Employment of Graduates

year 2001 graduates unemployed unemployed (thousand) (thousand) rate(%) 1140 340 2982


2003 2004 2005 2006


2120 2800 3380 4130


520 690 790 1010


2453 2463 2337 2457


Career is one of the best ways to achieve the value of life

Then choose yourself is that almost escape this a career suit so necessary anybody can not destiny

But according to our country’s employment situation , we should do something to adapt to it


Major Goals Personal situation Future plan Measures

Zhang Yuntian

Major Marxs Philosophy Ability required A comprehensive and systematic grasp of the Marx philosophy basic theory and professional knowledge; Having the discipline, professional teaching and scientific research ability

Professional advantage

A philosophy student employment advantage, has a very wide knowledge, and a strong ability to adapt, has the very high political quality


a qualified civil servants

Personal situation

Strong anal...

英文职业规划范文 第四篇

1, to determine aspirations.

ambition is the basic prerequisite for success, there is no ambition, no talk about the success of the cause. as the saying goes: chi non li, and the world into the matter can not be. are determined to start life, reflects a person's ideals, vision, temperament and values, affect a person's goals and achievements of the size. therefore, in the development of career planning, we should first establish the ambition, which is to develop critical career planning, career planning is the most important point.

2, self-assessment.

the purpose of self-assessment is the understanding of themselves, understand their own. because only know themselves, their career can make the right choice can be selected to suit their own career development routes, to their own goal to make the best career choice. self-assessment, including their interests, strengths, character, knowledge, skills, iq, eq, ways of thinking, ways of thinking, moral and social standards of self and so on.

3, the assessment of career opportunities.

assessment of career opportunities, mainly to assess the various environmental factors on their own career development of everyone in a certain environment, leaving the environment, will not be able to survive and grow. therefore, in the development of individual career planning, to analyze the characteristics of environmental conditions, the development and changes in the environment, their relationship to the environment, their status in this environment, the environment of their own request, as well as a favorable environment for their conditions and adverse conditions. only fully aware of these environmental factors in order to do so in a complex environment, so that planning your career with practical significance.

assessment of environmental factors include:

(1) organizational environment.

(2) political environment.

(3) the social environment.

(4) economic environment.

4, the choice of career.

the right career choice or not, is directly related to their career success or failure. according to statistics, people who have chosen the wrong career, the 80% of the people are losers in their careers. as has been said, afraid of marrying the wrong woman lang, male fear of the wrong line. this shows that the career options in their career development of how important it is.

how to choose the right career? at least should consider the following points:

(1) personality and career matching.

(2) interest in the match and vocational.

(3) and career matching expertise.

(4) internal and external environment and adapt to occupational.

5, the choice of career routes.

established in the career to which route development at this time to make a choice. that is, the administration route to development or road to professional and technical development; is ahead technology roadmap, and then turn to the administration of the road ... ... as a result of the development of the road is different from the requirements of career development is not the same. as a result, career planning, the need to make a choice in order to make its own study, work and a variety of action along your route or intended career direction.

line is usually the choice of career should consider the following three questions:

(1) i would like to where a line of development?

(2) where i can develop a line?

(3) where i can develop a line? of the above three problem, a comprehensive analysis to determine their best career route.

6, set career goals.

set career goals, is the core of career planning. the cause of the success or failure of a person, to a large extent depend on the availability of appropriate target correctly. no goal, as the boat into the sea, vast surrounding, there is no direction, i do not know their own going. only set a target to clear the direction of struggle, like a beacon in the sea, and guide you avoid the dangerous reef dark stone to success. goal setting, following a career in the choice of route choice career after aim in life to make choices. its the best choice based on their talent, the best character, the greatest interest in the most favorable based on the information environment. target points are usually short-term goals, medium-term objectives, long-term goals and their goals in life. short-term goal is generally between one and two years on short-term objectives and sub-goals, week objectives, on target, target. medium-term target is generally three to five years. long-term goals are generally five to ten years.

7, development of action plans and measures.

in determining a career goal, action has become the key link. did not reach the target of action, goals will be difficult to achieve, it is not the cause of success. action referred to here refers to specific measures to implement the goals, including work, training, education, rotation and other measures. for example, to achieve their goals, at work, do you plan to take measures to improve the efficiency of your work? quality in business, what you plan to learn new knowledge, acquire skills which enhance the ability of your business? in potential development, what measures to develop the potential of you and so on, must have a concrete plan with specific measures. and these plans should be very specific in order to be checked regularly.

8, evaluation and feedback.

as the saying goes: the scheme can not keep up with change. yes, the impact of career planning for a number of factors. some changes in factors that can be predicted, but some factors are difficult to predict changes. in this case, to make effective career planning, on the need to constantly assess the career planning and revision. the contents of the amendment include: the re-career choice; the choice of career routes; amendments to their goals in life; the implementation of measures and plans to change and so on.

英文职业规划范文 第五篇



教师们都有同感 :“教师每天都在吐出知识,如果不及时吃进新知是不行的。”当今知识“爆炸”的时代,需要教师争分夺秒地学习。















第二年:通过不断的学习, 做到教得扎实、教得灵活,使自己能灵活驾驭教材.


英文职业规划范文 第六篇

在现今社会中英语人才爆炸,英语学习简直是遍地开花,因此English majors找工作实在是难,在踏出校园之前务必要找准职业定位,下面我特制订了英语专业职业生涯规划范例,根据规划走好每一步。

















ⅱ。提升技能(skillsforpromotion):各种证书(certifications),虽然有时候证书只是一中形式,但却起着极大的作用。各种等级证书是必须的,尤其是翻译证书,当然还有专业八级等证书;责任心(responsibilities),对于每个行业来说都是必须的。一个优秀的翻译员尤其要热爱翻译行业,责任心强,性格稳重细致。合作项目的洽谈、翻译及英文撰写等工作;交流沟通能力(communication),翻译员被誉为“沟通的桥梁”,所以积极和人进行沟通,并参与相关活动等都是必须的。良好的人际沟通与组织协调能力;具有较强的公共能力;团队合作精神(teamwork),人际交往能力强,和自己团队搞好关系;母语(motherlanguage)中文书写能力强,翻译员最终还是为了帮助中英双方的沟通,所以较好的中文是必须的;礼节,礼貌(manners),举止要得体,毕竟英文翻译员有时代表的不止是自己有时还代表着一定的团体甚至是一个国家的形象;谦虚 (’sperspectives),谦虚并能容纳别人观点;态度(attitude),做事认真负责,为人正直;逻辑(logic),条理清晰,明白易懂、一目了然,所以要善于交流;创新意识(innovation);

ⅲ。个人特长(personaladvantages):特殊的证书(),这类证书比如:其他语言类的证书、比赛证书等等;丰富的经验(experience),尤其是国际版权贸易经验;特殊技能(peculiarskills),熟悉Office等办公软件,熟悉商业信函的写作,具备计算机应用的基础能力;各方面综合能力(comprehensiveskills),有时翻译员不止是翻译的工作,甚至还要做好翻译员、参事员、协调员、管理员和安全员;掌握与自己工作有关的最新消息(),了解和熟悉行业知识、专业常识、政策方针、存在问题以及相应的外文术语;幽默感(senseofhumor),在英国人看来,幽默感是必须具备的,他们认为每人都得要有asenseofhumor。 ‘hehasnosenseofhumor’是人们可以常常听到的一句话。。

